My Life With Perioral Dermatitis: Update 1, March 6, 2014

Well it’s only been three days since my last post but wow what a difference with my skin over the past few days!

I’ll be posting pictures to my gallery shortly after this post and although the pictures aren’t great in quality, but hopefully you can see that the bumps on my face have flattened out a bit. I feel less icky with my face today than I did three days ago. I still am a hermit but when I’m at work I sometimes forget that I have PD, even though the bumps are still very visible.

I’ve been washing my face twice a day, once in the morning when I wake up and once in the evening/night when I get home. I only use my Neutrogena facial moisturizer (see my first blog post for details); I don’t use a cleanser on my face, at least not until these bumps are gone. I wear BareMinerals mineral powder foundation on my face every morning for work and I do not use concealer to hide the bumps. I did on the first day of this work week but I found that it was very dry looking so I washed it off and only wore the mineral powder foundation just to hide some of the redness.

I have been noticing that the bumps on my face have dried out and slowly flattening out and less irritable 🙂 YAY! Even the slightest improvement makes me happy. I am always tempted to pick at them because they’re so dried up and peeling – okay, so I do peel the dried skin around the bumps but very lightly. I don’t suggest doing this, but I couldn’t help myself lol. I am trying to stop!!

I am hoping that once these bumps completely flatten out that it doesn’t leave dark spots or scars on my face! I have eczema on other parts of my body that have healed but leaves a raw skin look and it’s unattractive but at least I can hide it most of the time.

Well that’s all for today’s post, I will see how my face heals over the weekend and I’ll update some more. Feel free to share my blog to other PD and eczema sufferers 🙂


DAY 16:  Oral antibiotics and using facial moisturizer

DAY 16

DAY 17:  Oral antibiotics and using facial moisturizer

DAY 17

DAY 18:  Oral antibiotics and using facial moisturizer

DAY 18

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